
  1. All customers will be required to wear a mask
  2. Members (2321 Members) will make the decision on the safety of the location. If a member feels the location is unsafe or they are uncomfortable with a group of people in a home that is NOT social distancing, they should contact their supervisor and make other arrangements with the cent.
  3. The ‘hotspots’ throughout Massachusetts will be treated more carefully. The installation requests are not high in those areas and up to today, the techs have been able to complete all repairs. Again, the tech should make a visit and assess the situation. The company does NOT want techs to outright refuse to go to the location, they want a visit made before the tech “JEPS” the job.
  4. If a member gets contacted by the State as part of their ‘tracing’ – that member is to contact their supervisor IMMEDIATELY, and go tested.

If you have ANY questions, feel free to call the hall at 978.683.2321

A message from Craig Fields, Business Manager:

It is with a heavy heart and deep sympathy that I announce the loss of dearly departed Brother Joe Maroon. Joe was a 54 year old lineman from the Dracut garage with 34 years of service. He had been out of the office since April 30th, and last week tested positive for COVID-19; we were informed this morning of his passing, apparently of COVID-19 related illness. His mother also recently succumbed to COVID-19. Joe leaves behind a wife and daughter. Please keep Joe and his family in your thoughts and prayers. If there are any arrangements, we will announce them on the tape and our social media sites.

The Coronavirus Pandemic has been very real to all of us, especially for those on the front line. This loss amplifies that reality. Please, make sure your safety is always your priority, and take as many precautions necessary to ensure the safety of your family. Joe’s passing is a terrible tragedy, and I pray this is the only such announcement I will need to make before this crisis is over.

Take care of yourself and your family.
In Solidarity,

Craig Fields – Business Manager, IBEW Local 2321

Joseph Maroon’s obituary

In this webinar, Steve Raymond, Regional Manager with Scarborough Alliance Group provides important information to help navigate these turbulent times.

This webinar reviews timely information, such as:

  • Understanding Market Downturns
  • Common Investor Mistakes
  • Smart Things to Do During the Downturn

Access the webinar HERE

If you are quarantined fill out this form and send to:

  • If you (god forbid) have COVID-19, you need to send an email to this address.
  • If you have child care issues and are not able to work from home, you need to send an email to this address.
  • If you are unable to work from home, and have to care for someone with COVID -19, you need to send an email to this address.

In each email, state why (one of the three reasons above) you are requesting the leave.