Volunteer Period: August 27 – September 10
Last Day Worked: September 28
Off-Payroll Date: September 29
You’re invited to this workshop presented by Kate Glidden, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor with Gallagher Financial Planning.
You can register by scanning the QR code on the flier below, calling 800.246.1433, or by clicking on this link.
Raymond Wealth Management is hosting a retirement planning webinar at 6:00 PM on Monday, 13 November 2023.
Steve Raymond, Founder, will address some common questions that retirees face including your pension options, the Special EIPP and other benefits. In addition to Steve’s experience working with Verizon retirees, his firm offers cost-effective investment solutions on an award-winning wealth management platform, recently named ‘Best in the Industry’ by Barrons and the Money Management Institute. We hope to see you there!
Margaret Pierce, New England Regional Manager for Scarborough Alliance, will be meeting with all IBEW local members starting this weekend, Sunday November 12th through next Sunday November 19th, day and evening hours, at the IBEW Local 2222 office: 159 Thomas E. Burgin Pkwy 3rd floor, Quincy, MA 02169.
To schedule a meeting in person or by phone, please contact Margaret at mpierce@scarboroughalliance.com or 508-415-9200.
The IBEW Local Unions Savings and Security Plan is a qualified defined contribution plan established in 1975 for IBEW members. The plan is overseen by the IBEW Trustees and offers members a qualified plan to roll over their Verizon Pension and Fidelity 401(K) assets. The investments and managed account options offered in the plan are overseen by the IBEW trustees. Scarborough Alliance is the only financial services firm that administers and acts in a fiduciary capacity under the plan for IBEW members.
Attached is a recording link Margaret gave this week covering the Special Incentive EIPP offer and Scarborough Alliance for IBEW Members:
Steve Raymond from Raymond Wealth Management is hosting a webinar for IBEW Members interested in the EIPP (or looking for wealth management information) on October 30th via Zoom.

Some information regarding the webinar:
“We’ll explore topics like some common questions that face retirees, how to manage your retirement savings to make them last a lifetime and how to properly complete all the necessary pension and retirement paperwork that your employer requires at retirement. For over a decade we’ve helped Verizon employees make sense out of the retirement offers like the one you’re considering. We help you answer all the important questions that lead to a sound and confident retirement plan!”
Register at this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_b-ehQT1wR82jJ5_H6B4T0g#/registration