A Message From Business Manager Craig Fields
Verizon News
A message from Craig Fields, Business Manager:
It is with a heavy heart and deep sympathy that I announce the loss of dearly departed Brother Joe Maroon. Joe was a 54 year old lineman from the Dracut garage with 34 years of service. He had…

Shareholder Proxies
Verizon News
Verizon shareholder proxies have been mailed out and we encourage our members to exercise their right to vote. Voting can be done by mail or online. Please do not give a proxy ballot to a union representative; no one is authorized…

New Bonus Agreement
Covid-19, Verizon News
Over the weekend, the CWA and IBEW negotiated with Verizon to establish a new Hazard Pay agreement during the coronavirus pandemic. This agreement will provide extra compensation for workers on the front line, who must interface with customers…

Additional COVID-19 Leave Information
Covid-19, Verizon News
If you are quarantined fill out this form and send to: COVID19-WPAT@verizon.com.
If you (god forbid) have COVID-19, you need to send an email to this address.If you have child care issues and are not able to work from home, you need to…

Verizon’s Leave Policy during COVID-19 Crisis
Covid-19, Verizon News
V Team,
We continue to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) developments and address every matter that touches the well-being of our colleagues, including evaluating our policies to ensure they are responsive to your needs. For starters, we…

COVID-19 Update From Verizon
Covid-19, Verizon News
V Team,
We continue to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) developments and address every matter that touches upon the well-being of our employees and customers, while delivering uninterrupted network services and connectivity to our customers.…

Estate Planning Help
Verizon News
Head on over to the New England Work & Family website to take advantage of this great promotion!
Estate planning can be an overwhelming, time-consuming task that shouldn’t be avoided. This kit will break down the necessary steps to…

New MA Paid Family Medical Leave
Verizon News
If you have any questions, Massachusetts has updated its information on the MA Paid Family Medical Leave, which you can find via this link.
"Establishes a system for paid family leave of up to 12 weeks to care for a family member,…

MA Unemployment Decision
Verizon News
Brothers and Sisters,
After a long, uphill battle, CWA and IBEW have just been notified of the MA Unemployment decision by the Boston Municipal Court. Unfortunately, because our strike was so effective, our unemployment appeal has…